Se usaron bloques de 100 y hasta 200 T. traídos de una cantera a 30 km. Están alineadas perfectamente con los puntos cardinales y el Cinturón de Orión. Los egipcios de esa época ni siquiera conocían el Hierro.


Tú no puedes solucionar unos problemas con el mismo nivel de CONSCIENCIA que los creó. -Albert Einstein


El hombre más peligroso para cualquier gobierno es el capaz de reflexionar... Casi inevitablemente, llegará a la conclusión de que el gobierno bajo el que vive es deshonesto, loco e intolerable. -H. L. Mencken


Nuestro mundo está organizado de tal modo que una pequeña élite controla al resto a través de una jerarquía de jefes sobre otros jefes hasta llegar a los obreros en la base. El nivel de conocimiento separa a unos niveles de otros. -David Icke


El objetivo de las élites es crear un gobierno mundial dictatorial, fascista, donde el Estado Policial es omnipresente y las libertades individuales no existen. -David Icke


Condenar algo sin investigarlo previamente es la cota más alta de la ignorancia. -Albert Einstein


La Opinión Pública lo es todo. Si está a tu favor, nada podrá salir mal. Si está en tu contra, nada podrá tener éxito. El que moldea la Opinión Pública tiene un mayor poder que el que hace las leyes. -Abraham Lincoln


Tú debes convertirte en el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo. -Mahatma Gandhi


Debe hacerse tan popular y tan simple que hasta el más estúpido la pueda entender. A la gente se la puede convencer de que el Paraíso es el Infierno, o a la inversa, de que la vida más horrible es el Paraíso. -Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf"


La mayoría de la gente es OTRA gente. Sus pensamientos son la opinión de otros, sus vidas una imitación, sus pasiones una cita de un libro. -Oscar Wilde


En religión y política, la gente casi siempre las adquiere, sin examinarlas, de autoridades que tampoco las han examinado y que, a su vez, las han adquirido de unos terceros cuyas opiniones no valen UNA PUTA MIERDA. -Mark Twain


Es fácil que una pequeña élite controle a una amplia mayoria a través de estructuras jerárquicas donde cada uno se está en su sitio sin moverse y sin interesarse nunca por nada. -David Icke


La cobardía pregunta si es seguro, la conveniencia si es cortés, y la vanidad si es popular. Pero la Consciencia pregunta si es JUSTO. Y siempre llega un tiempo donde uno debe tomar una postura que no es nada excepto JUSTA. -M. L. King


¿El atentado del 11-S fue ejecutado por el Gobierno en la Sombra de EEUU a través de infiltrados y aliados al más alto nivel en el ejército, los servicios secretos y los medios de comunicación?


¿El Dinero es el único Dios de este mundo porque lo controla TODO? ¿Los banqueros son los nuevos sacerdotes? ¿Los símbolos sagrados y ocultistas en los billetes atraen energías adecuadas a los fines de este clero?


Hay hechos documentados de sobra que demuestran que ciertos policías, miembros del servicio secreto, periodistas y jueces trabajaron para "dar un golpe de estado mediático" mintiendo, destruyendo pruebas o creando pruebas falsas.


¿Otras especies y civilizaciones nos visitan con frecuencia? ¿Algunos son benéficos, otros son malvados, y la mayoría parece neutral o indiferente? ¿Los gobiernos cierran beneficiosos tratos mientras lo niegan todo?


Con fama de endogámicos, herméticos, arrogantes, de "sangre azul", ¿nuestros líderes y reyes pertenecen a una raza distinta, con amplios y ancestrales conocimientos sobre la Realidad y lo Oculto?


¿Gente tan increíblemente estúpida e incompetente trabaja para "Amos Ocultos" que mueven sus hilos y a los que deben pagar los favores recibidos? ¿El "juego político" es una farsa para anestesiarnos?


Es un hecho científico demostrable que ESTO no lo pudieron hacer tipos con lianas, troncos y herramientas de bronce. Tampoco podemos reproducirlo con nuestra tecnología actual.

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Mind Control Collection - The Black Vault




Mind Control Collection

The following is a list of documents pertaining to mind control and research of the U.S. military and government
  1. Brainwashing (CIA Records) [92 Pages] - CIA file on the topic of brainwashing, prepared for J. Edgar Hoover in the 1950s. (Due to the quality of the report, you may have to zoom the pdf to above 100% to read)
  2. Communist Control Techniques [123 Pages]
  3.  Hypnosis In Intelligence [32 Pages, 4.91mb] - Hypnosis is one of the oldest techniques for altering and controlling human beh1vior. A method that has had its share of mistrust and professional neglect. Hypnosis in the
    past twenty years has been the subject of serious inquiry and sustained interest.  During this time, and even before, professIonal hypnotists have speculated on the possibilities of using hypnosis in warfare and in intelligence work. They have proposed that hypnosis could be used to strengthen the psychological defenses of captives and that it could be the
    means of gaining compliance from otherwise uncooperatlve persons. This paper explores some of tbe operational implications of these proposals.
  4.  Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification - A Study Prepared by the Staff of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-third Congress, Second Session. - 

    A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. This report responds to a directive issued to the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights to conduct an investigation into behavior modification programs, with particular emphasis on the federal government's involvement in the technology of behavior control and the implications of this involvement for individual rights. Two basic considerations motivated the investigation: first, the concern that the rights of human subjects of behavioral research are sufficiently protected by adequate guidelines and review structures; and second, the question of whether the federal government has any business participating in programs that may alter the substance of individual freedom. Although the material included in this report is by no means comprehensive, some initial findings are apparent: (1) there is widespread and growing interest in the development of methods designed to predict, identify, control, and modify individual behavior; (2) few measures are being taken to resolve questions of freedom, privacy, and self-determination; (3) the Federal government is heavily involved in a variety of behavior modification programs ranging from simple reinforcement techniques to psychosurgery; and (4) a number of departments and agencies fund, participate in, or sanction research involving various aspects of behavior modification.
  5. Interrogation: Science and Art [371 Pages] - U.S. military personnel and intelligence officers in particular are expected to gain accurate information from detainees or prisoners and thus need to know "what works" in "educing" information through interrogation, strategic debriefing and information elicitation. This book presents the work of 13 specialists in law, psychology, military intelligence, neuroscience, computer science, conflict management and library science. The authors review what is known and not known about educing information.
  6. On Resisting Social Influence [34 Pages] - Resisting social influences becomes important when such influences can be appropriately thought of as 'mind control.' When information is systematically hidden, withheld or distorted it is impossible to make unbiased decisions. Under these circumstances, people may be subtly led to believe they are 'freely' choosing to act. It is precisely this kind of decision that persists and most affects our behavior since we come to believe in those attitudes and actions for which we have generated our own justifications. The thesis of this essay is that 'mind control' exists not in exotic gimmicks, but rather in the most mundane aspects of experience. Because it does, it is possible to reduce our susceptibility to unwanted coercive control by increasing our vigilance and learning to utilize certain basic strategies of analysis. In this paper, we present resistance strategies which are broadly applicable to the wide array of mind-manipulation attempts that surround us daily--in a 'self- help' format that provides for ready accessibility. Findings from relevant social-psychological research, from interviews and personal experiences with con men, cultists, super-salesmen and other perpetrators of mind control comprise the reservoir of information from which we have drawn.
  7. Parapsychology in Intelligence [12 Pages]
  8. Project MKUltra, The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification [172 Pages]

CIA MKULTRA Collection - The Black Vault




CIA MKULTRA Collection
_CIA MKULTRA Collection

CIA MKULTRA Collection

The Black Vault filed a FOIA request for all documents pertaining to MKULTRA and similar projects. I was told that these documents were being reviewed, and I would be contacted when the review was completed.

For years I waited, and was never contacted. The CIA, in fact, DID release the documents on three CD-ROMs yet they never notified me and my open FOIA request still pending in their office.

After much frustration, I finally received the documents.  Below, you will find the links to the data on the CD-ROMS.

These files are organized in exactly the same way the CIA would send them to you. I simply created HTML indexes to make it even easier!

The directories contain .tif images of the documents (not my favorite format) and two other files. The .txt file is a poor excuse for a OCR (optical character recognition) of the document, which means they put the documents through a software title to make it text. You will see these are usually useless, because the process does not work on poorly photocopies documents. The .dat file in these directories is the one line description, as found in the index.

MKULTRA CIA Document Index - Start here! This will list the contents of the following links, which are the documents on the CD-ROMs. Or, you can just start browsing the CD's below - it's up to you!  

Operation Highjump - The Black Vault




From 10 December 1946 to 13 March 1947, Sennet (SS-408) participated in Operation "Highjump," the third Byrd Antarctic Expedition. USN photo courtesy of Artic Submarine Laboratory, text courtesy of DANFS.
_From 10 December 1946 to 13 March 1947, Sennet (SS-408) participated in Operation

Operation Highjump

Operation Highjump, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947, was a United States Navy operation organized by RADM Richard E. Byrd Jr. USN, (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by RADM Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. Operation Highjump commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft. The primary mission of Operation Highjump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.

The following are documents related to, or mentioning, Operation Highjump:

  1.  America on the Ice. Antarctic Policy Issues, 1990 [364 Pages, 13.70 MB] - Partial contents include: (1) Antarctica Before the Treaty, rival territorial claims--cold war dimension--international geophysical year-- conference on antarctica; (2) The Antarctic Treaty System, duration--scope--an arms control agreement--a claims settlement-a science compact--an administrative framework--recommendations--convention for the conservation of antarctic seals-- convention on the conservation of antarctic marine living resources; (3) Challenges to the antarctic Treaty System; antarctic resources--participation in antarctic policymaking--The sovereignty time bomb; (4) U.S. Interests in the Antarctic and Current U.S. Policy, and the U.S. Antarctic Program, scientific activities--antarctic stations--logistics support-managing the logistics program--maintaining and influential american presence in the years ahead.
  2.  Cold-Weather Engineering, Chapters 1 to 5, 1949 [122 Pages, 41.30 MB]
  3.  COMPACTED-SNOW RUNWAYS IN ANTARCTICA, DEEP FREEZE 61-64 TRIALS, Feb 1966 [51 Pages, 13.70 MB] - In Deep Freeze 61, NCEL provided technical guidance to a Navy snow- compaction team investigating the practicability of building roads on snow- covered sea ice over McMurdo Sound and runways on the deep snow cover of the Ross Ice Shelf adjacent to McMurdo Station. These investigations and trials continued through Deep Freeze 64. This work was directed toward the development of a layered, compacted-snow runway on deep snow which would support aircraft weighing up to 155,000 pounds with tires on the main wheels inflated to 135 psi; it was only partially successful. During the trials, there were intermittent areas of compacted snow capable of supporting aircraft weighing up to 100,000 pounds with main tires inflated to 90 psi, but low-strength areas prevented takeoffs and landings with aircraft weighing over 25,000 pounds with main tires inflated to 60 psi. New processing and elevating equipment introduced in the Deep Freeze 64 trials showed considerable promise of producing dense, uniform, high -strength, elevated areas of compacted snow. It was concluded that the trials should continue in Deep Freeze 65 to explore the capabilities of this equipment.
  4.  Notes on Antarctic Aviation, Aug 1993 [156 Pages, 8.92 MB] - Antarctic aviation has been evolving for the best part of a century, with regular air operations developing over the past three or four decades. Antarctica is the last continent where aviation still depends almost entirely on expeditionary airfields and 'bush flying,' but change seems imminent. This report describes the history of aviation in Antarctica, the types and characteristics of existing and proposed airfield facilities, and the characteristics of aircraft suitable for Antarctic use. It now seems possible for Antarctic aviation to become an extension of mainstream international aviation. The basic requirement is a well-distributed network of hard-surface airfields that can be used safely by conventional aircraft, together with good international collaboration. The technical capabilities already exist.
  5.  The Polar Submarine and Navigation of the Arctic Ocean, 21 May 1959 [91 Pages, 4.94 MB] - This is a reissue of the original report without any changes (except for the inclusion of an addendum written in May 1950). The report evaluates observations made on polar voyages up to and including 1948, and discusses the equipment and modifications needed to make a Fleet-type submarine suitable for under-ice research.Th
  6.  Protecting United States Interests in Antarctica, April 1988 [124 Pages, 4.94 MB] - This thesis begins by presenting a geographic overview of the physical features and resources in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Next, it details the history of claims and interests over Antarctic territory, with particular emphasis on United States activities. Aspects of the U.S.-initiated Antarctic Treaty regime are then explored, including management of living resources and potential exploration and exploitation of nonliving hydrocarbon and mineral resources. The thesis points out past weaknesses in U.S.-Antarctic policy making, and recommends a broader role for the Department of Defense in such areas as safety and security. The thesis also recommends that the Antarctic Treaty consultative parties resolve the issue of criminal jurisdiction over offenses committed in Antarctica before the theoretical problem arises in practice, suggesting a model fashioned somewhat after the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Status of Forces Agreement. Finally, the thesis highlights the recent influence of the United Nations over Antarctic affairs, and proposes that the governing Antarctic Treaty consultative parties should cooperate more with the United Nations to avoid confrontation over the impending minerals regime. Suspension of South Africa from consultative status is recommended as a means of dampening United Nations' opposition to the minerals regime, and of preventing eventual dissolution of the regime over these and other issues.
  7.  SNOW-COMPACTION EQUIPMENT--VIBRATORY FINISHERS [34 Pages, 1.24 MB] - To investigate the feasibility of surface-hardening compacted snow by vibrationand, if feasible, to develop vibratory finishers for this work.

All UFO Documents From... - The Black Vault




All UFO Documents From...
_All UFO Documents From...

All UFO Documents From...

This section contains batches of documents that have been received from multiple agencies.  The FOIA request was for all documents relating to UFOs... the following is what was received.  Simply click on the agency of your choice.

  1.  Army - 355 Pages - 22 megs
  2.  Central Intelligence Agency [2,763 Pages]
  3.  Central Intelligence Agency releases multiple documents after a request was filed to the DIA in 2009 [65 Pages, 1.37MB] - These records prove the CIA is still collecting intelligence in regards to UFOs, and that material from just the past few years is considered a threat to our national security.
  4.  Defense Intelligence Agency UFO Files Through 1979 [204 Pages]
  5.  Defense Intelligence Agency UFO Files from 1979-1989 [12 Pages]
  6.  Defense Intelligence Agency UFO Files From 1990 to date [30 Pages]
  7.  Department of Defense [270 Pages]
  8.  Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy [10 Pages, 380kb] - The documents include a small e-mail chain along with an article about the UFO issue overshadowing the Health Care debate in 2009.
  9.  Federal Bureau of Investigation UFO Documents [1,600 Pages] - [ Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04 | Part 05 | Part 06 | Part 07 | Part 08 | Part 09 | Part 10Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 ]
  10.  John F. Kennedy Library [127 Pages]
  11.  NASA Headquarters [131 Pages]
  12.  National Reconnaisance Office UFO Documents (No Records)
  13.  National Security Agency's UFO Files [159 Pages]
  14.  National Security Agency's Once Exempt From Release [254 Pages]
  15.  Navy (No Records)
  16.  Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense [132 Pages]
  17.  Space Command [7 Pages]
  18.  Wright Patterson Air Force Base [910 Pages] - All documents relating to Project Sign and Grudge[ January through August, 1948 | September through December, 1948 | 1949 ]

The Anti-Christ, World Religions, and 21st Century Terrorism - The Black Vault




Antichrist with the devil, from the Deeds of the Antichrist
_Antichrist with the devil, from the Deeds of the Antichrist

The Anti-Christ, World Religions, and 21st Century Terrorism

According to Wikipedia: "The antichrist is a Christian concept based on the exegesis of Second Temple (500 BCE–50 CE) Jewish texts that refer to anti-messiahs. The legend of the Antichrist is only within the context of Christian belief, where Jesus the messiah, appears in his Second coming to earth, to face the emergence of the Antichrist figure. Just as Christ is the savior and the ideal model for humanity, his opponent in the End of days will be a single figure of concentrated evil.
 In the New Testament, the term "antichrist" occurs five times in 1 John and 2 John, once in plural form and four times in the singular"

Although not well know, the concept of the Anti-Christ is one that, regardless of its religion connotation, is something that really has to be looked at in regards to International and Domestic terrorism. Religious beliefs also play a crucial part in the reasoning behind terrorist plots and beliefs.

Below, you will find the documents that make reference to the figure known as the anti-christ, and why religious is important in these violent acts.

  1.  Christian Extremism as a Domestic Terror Threat [55 Pages, 561 KB] - Americans readily identify Muslim extremism as a viable threat to America. However, they ignore or remain unaware of Christian extremism in the same context, despite the similarities in ideology that advocate violence against Americans. For example, the motivation behind Eric Rudolph’s bombing of the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996 was to “embarrass and punish the U.S. government” for its pro-abortion stance.
  2.  CTC Sentinel. Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2011 [22 Pages, 348 KB] - Combat Terrorism Center at West Point, CTC Sentinel, February 2011, Volume 4, Issue 2.
  3.  The Justifications for War and Peace in World Religions. Part I: Extracts, Summaries and Comparisons of Scriptures in the Abrahamic Religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) [151 Pages, 823 KB] - One of the most important decisions by any nation or armed group is when, if ever, to wage war or engage with armed force. Such life-and-death judgements are usually informed by and sometimes determined by ethical principles and religious beliefs. The world religions provide guidelines on when armed force is justified. Are the permissions and prohibitions similar among religions? The present work seeks to map out the spectrum of religious approaches to armed force, as expressed in the scriptures of the world's largest religions. Through the interpretations of religious scriptures vary considerably, the texts themselves provide a sense of each religion's approach to the issue. Expressing values from absolute pacifism, where armed force is not permissible under any circumstances, to strong militancy, where armed force is readily adopted, this research compiles, compares and contrasts scriptural passages. Along with the associated DRDC report, it presents a tour d'horizon of the basic scriptures of seven world religions. The present report, constituting Part I of the work, analyses three Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) and the companion report, Part II, covers religions of Indic origin (Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism). The chosen scriptures from each religion are briefly introduced and the relevant verses are extracted, categorized and summarized. This makes possible, in each religion, the juxtaposition of passages justifying the use of force with passages that suggest the opposite. More broadly, in Part II, a comparison of approaches is presented in both a descriptive and a schematic fashion to illustrate the differences between the scriptures within each religion and the differences between the religions. This variance is illustrated in Part II by locating religious scriptures along the spectrum of force.
  4.  The Justifications for War and Peace in World Religions: Part II: Extracts, Summaries and Comparisons of Scriptures in Indic Religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism) [181 Pages, 1.1 MB] - 
  5.  The Justifications for War and Peace in World Religions. Part III: Comparison of Scriptures from Seven World Religions [55 Pages, 499KB]
  6.  Strategic Implications of American Millennialism [78 Pages, 467 KB] - Since the beginning of the Republic, various forms of millennial religious doctrines, of which dispensational pre-millennialism is the most recent, have shaped U.S. national security strategy. As the dominant form of millennialism in the U.S. evolves, it drives changes in U.S. security policy and subsequent commitment of the instruments of national power. Millennial ideas contribute to a common American understanding of international relations that guide our thinking irrespective of individual religious or political affiliation. Millennialism has great explanatory value, significant policy implications, and creates potential vulnerabilities that adversaries may exploit. In the simplest usage of the word, millennialism refers to any belief system, religious or secular, which anticipates a purification of society or the world through dramatic and sweeping change. In the U.S. today, the most well-known and influential form of millennialism is a religious variant known in formal, theological parlance as dispensational pre-millennialism. This contemporary form of millennialism took shape during the 1970s and has significantly shaped current U.S. security policy. Dispensational pre-millennialism is loosely based on depictions of battle between the forces of good and evil in the biblical Book of Revelation. In the U.S., dispensational pre-millennialism contends that in the very near future Jesus Christ will 'rapture,' or remove his church from the Earth. A period of intense tribulations and battles will follow, culminating with a cataclysmic defeat of Satan. Jesus would then establish an earthly kingdom for 1,000 years--the millennium. Today, the theological doctrines of dispensational pre-millennialism contribute significantly to American culture.
  7.  Violent behaviors associated with the antichrist delusion [4 Pages, 342 KB] - Delusions involving the antichrist concept have been occasionally reported. Some cases of the antichrist delusion have been associated with violent behavior. In this article we describe the case of a man who suffered from a chronic antichrist delusion and who also displayed repeated and serious violent behaviors. We also discuss the role of the antichrist delusion as well as other psychotic symptoms in the genesis of violence in the present case. (Please note: This document may be copyrighted. The abstract and reference was obtained from the National Institute of Health (NIH) however the full document came from the University of Australia, and archived here for reference.)
  8.  When Devils Walk the Earth: The Mentality and Roots of Terrorism, and How to Respond [37 Pages, 284 KB] -This analysis is divided into three parts. The first is a broad initial discussion of the mentalities of the two basic types of terrorists--the practical and the apocalyptic--to help users differentiate between "traditional," politically-oriented terrorists with specific goals, and the far more dangerous religious terrorists irreconcilably hostile to the United States and the West. The second section examines the environmental conditions that breed terrorism, focusing primarily upon the troubled Islamic world. The concluding section proposes do's and don'ts in the struggle against terrorism.