Se usaron bloques de 100 y hasta 200 T. traídos de una cantera a 30 km. Están alineadas perfectamente con los puntos cardinales y el Cinturón de Orión. Los egipcios de esa época ni siquiera conocían el Hierro.


Tú no puedes solucionar unos problemas con el mismo nivel de CONSCIENCIA que los creó. -Albert Einstein


El hombre más peligroso para cualquier gobierno es el capaz de reflexionar... Casi inevitablemente, llegará a la conclusión de que el gobierno bajo el que vive es deshonesto, loco e intolerable. -H. L. Mencken


Nuestro mundo está organizado de tal modo que una pequeña élite controla al resto a través de una jerarquía de jefes sobre otros jefes hasta llegar a los obreros en la base. El nivel de conocimiento separa a unos niveles de otros. -David Icke


El objetivo de las élites es crear un gobierno mundial dictatorial, fascista, donde el Estado Policial es omnipresente y las libertades individuales no existen. -David Icke


Condenar algo sin investigarlo previamente es la cota más alta de la ignorancia. -Albert Einstein


La Opinión Pública lo es todo. Si está a tu favor, nada podrá salir mal. Si está en tu contra, nada podrá tener éxito. El que moldea la Opinión Pública tiene un mayor poder que el que hace las leyes. -Abraham Lincoln


Tú debes convertirte en el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo. -Mahatma Gandhi


Debe hacerse tan popular y tan simple que hasta el más estúpido la pueda entender. A la gente se la puede convencer de que el Paraíso es el Infierno, o a la inversa, de que la vida más horrible es el Paraíso. -Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf"


La mayoría de la gente es OTRA gente. Sus pensamientos son la opinión de otros, sus vidas una imitación, sus pasiones una cita de un libro. -Oscar Wilde


En religión y política, la gente casi siempre las adquiere, sin examinarlas, de autoridades que tampoco las han examinado y que, a su vez, las han adquirido de unos terceros cuyas opiniones no valen UNA PUTA MIERDA. -Mark Twain


Es fácil que una pequeña élite controle a una amplia mayoria a través de estructuras jerárquicas donde cada uno se está en su sitio sin moverse y sin interesarse nunca por nada. -David Icke


La cobardía pregunta si es seguro, la conveniencia si es cortés, y la vanidad si es popular. Pero la Consciencia pregunta si es JUSTO. Y siempre llega un tiempo donde uno debe tomar una postura que no es nada excepto JUSTA. -M. L. King


¿El atentado del 11-S fue ejecutado por el Gobierno en la Sombra de EEUU a través de infiltrados y aliados al más alto nivel en el ejército, los servicios secretos y los medios de comunicación?


¿El Dinero es el único Dios de este mundo porque lo controla TODO? ¿Los banqueros son los nuevos sacerdotes? ¿Los símbolos sagrados y ocultistas en los billetes atraen energías adecuadas a los fines de este clero?


Hay hechos documentados de sobra que demuestran que ciertos policías, miembros del servicio secreto, periodistas y jueces trabajaron para "dar un golpe de estado mediático" mintiendo, destruyendo pruebas o creando pruebas falsas.


¿Otras especies y civilizaciones nos visitan con frecuencia? ¿Algunos son benéficos, otros son malvados, y la mayoría parece neutral o indiferente? ¿Los gobiernos cierran beneficiosos tratos mientras lo niegan todo?


Con fama de endogámicos, herméticos, arrogantes, de "sangre azul", ¿nuestros líderes y reyes pertenecen a una raza distinta, con amplios y ancestrales conocimientos sobre la Realidad y lo Oculto?


¿Gente tan increíblemente estúpida e incompetente trabaja para "Amos Ocultos" que mueven sus hilos y a los que deben pagar los favores recibidos? ¿El "juego político" es una farsa para anestesiarnos?


Es un hecho científico demostrable que ESTO no lo pudieron hacer tipos con lianas, troncos y herramientas de bronce. Tampoco podemos reproducirlo con nuestra tecnología actual.

domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

Population Control - The Revelations of Dr Richard Day




Population Control

As mentioned earlier, Dr Day was involved with ‘Planned Parenthood’, and was a supporter of the population control movement of the time – which was the next subject Dr Day talked to the group about.
He said that the population was growing too fast, and that the population would outgrow the food supply, space to live, and would produce too much waste for the planet to cope with.
In the period 1950 to 1969 the population grew from 2.6 billion to 3.6 billion, with the largest annual growth rate per year being between 1962 and 1969. From 1970 to 2012, the world population increased from 3.7 billion to 7 billion – almost doubling in a 32 year period, although the annual growth rate reduced. Projections estimate that the population in 2020 could be in the region of 7.6 billion, and could be as much as 9.4 billion by 2050, although the growth rates are expected to reduce significantly. (Figures from the United States Census Bureau, and a billion being 1000 million).
Looking at these statistics, we can see that the population has increased by a massive amount – from 2.6 billion in 1969 to 7 billion in 2012 – almost 270%. Part of the reason for this is that the population is living longer, and healthcare has improved and resulted in less deaths through disease, accidents etc. The growth rate has seen something of a decline from 1970 to 2012, with the growth rate being in the region of 1.5%, whereas the growth rate for the period to 1969 was in the region of 2%.
As the population grows, so more resources will be needed to support them. With uncontrolled births and an aging population, the strain on existing resources will become a major issue.
Dr Day said that part of the plan of the globalists is to limit the number of children a family can have to two, with some families being limited to one, and other ‘exceptional’ people being allowed to have three. Birth rates in the western world have declined significantly over the past fifty years or so, with large families being a thing of the past. Part of this is the way society has developed, where people are following careers and have aspirations other than producing offspring, and another part is education about and the availability of birth control. It has also become very expensive to provide for a large family. In 2012, the UK government proposed that restrictions on state benefits be imposed, and that certain payments will only be made for the first two children
Population control has been publically advocated by some influential people, including John D. Rockefeller (also a member of the globalist elite and a major funder of ‘Planned Parenthood’), former US President George HW Bush, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, and naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
In 1969, Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich wrote a book entitled ‘The Population Bomb’ in which he advocates action to limit a ‘population explosion’ which will lead to social upheaval and widespread starvation in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1968, an essay entitled ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ by Garret Hardin, Hardin attributes the growth of the population to the welfare state. However, his essay has been widely criticised, and des not address the fact that the majority of families with a large number of children do not exist in a welfare state system. Publications such as these were criticised at the time as fuelling the fears of people throughout the 1950s and 1960s when the world’s population hit 3 billion and there was some panic about how the world would cope with such a large number of people.
There are many countries in the world who have taken positive action to limit the number of children in a family. Perhaps the most well know is China, where a limit of one child per family has been law since 1978. There are harsh punishments for ‘unauthorised’ births. Although as of 2012 there has been a movement in China to increase the number of ‘authorised’ children to two.
In India, the government has had a pro-active family planning initiative in place since 1965 where awareness of contraception methods is nationwide. The most prevalent form of birth control in India is female sterilisation. In the 1970s Indira Gandhi implemented a mandatory programme of sterilisation for men who had already had two children. The programme failed and is blamed for resistance to subsequent family planning initiatives for decades after. India has introduced incentives for families to have a maximum of two children, including only those with two children or less are eligible for election local government office, and the government only offers certain facilities and benefits to those employees with two children or less.

Living Space & Agenda 21 - The Revelations of Dr Richard Day




Living Space & Agenda 21

Where we live will also be controlled, and the process started in 1992 at the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, during which an ‘action plan’ for the 21st century was established named ‘Agenda 21’, which aimed to address sustainable development at  local, national, and international levels.
Agenda 21 is presented as a voluntary plan, and not legally binding, however, in some countries it has influenced local legislation (for example, the Local Government Act 2000 in the UK).
Parts of Agenda 21 have probably already been implemented in your local area, although you may not know about it. You may find some reference to it on your local government/council website, but it has not been widely promoted, with few people knowing how Agenda 21 drives parts of local decision making, impacts on legislation, or of the impact this can have on their lives.
Agenda 21 addresses some of the problems of an expanding population Dr Day described – space to live and waste management
The Agenda 21 proposals are open to local and national interpretation, and one area which has concerned residents of many countries (especially the USA) is the concept of population zoning and a reduction in size of living space.
In some cities in the United States, local authorities are re-thinking building regulations to reduce the size of apartments. In 2012, San Francisco building regulation changes were proposed allowing for apartments (known as micro-units) to be as small as 275 square feet (approx. 25.5 square metres). According to Scott Wiener, the city supervisor who proposed the legislation, the city had a housing affordability crisis, with rents being ‘through the roof’. Some critics of the legislation believe the reduction in living space, and the zoning of residential developments is part of the globalist’s agenda to concentrate the population in easy to control areas, and that ‘stacked shoebox’ housing will become the norm for many developments across the US.
Some states in the US have supported resolutions condemning Agenda 21. These include Kansas, where Republican representative Dennis Hedke told fellow lawmakers during a speech in November 2012. “The notion of sustainability is not necessarily a bad thing. However when guidelines are transformed into indoctrination, globally, nationally and with each state and local government, and that indoctrination is connected to an intense socialistic philosophy, questions are raised.”
In the same week, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to ban implementation of policies connected to Agenda 21. In an interview with a news service, a Republican representative, Anne Cartwright said “I know it [Agenda 21] is totally against our Constitution from reading the U.N. biodiversity assessment,” she continued “It’s through local initiative that it is being implemented in bits and pieces to erode our property rights.”
In Europe, the situation is different, with many apartments in large cities being small units in blocks within specific residential zones. However, the size of newly built homes is getting smaller in the UK, which already has one of the lowest average area sizes for apartments in Europe. House builders claim that the cost of building land and the demand for new homes is so high that they have to produce compact and affordable homes.
According the UK organisation ‘Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment’, part of the ‘Design Council’, ‘… there are no national minimum space standards, and neither building regulations nor the planning system specify minimum floor space for privately developed homes in England. The result has been private housing which does not consistently provide what CABE would consider to be adequate space.’
In the UK in December 2012, a review of planning regulations by Lord Taylor of Goss Moor concluded that many of the planning regulations in place to protect the British countryside should be abolished. The main driving force behind the review was the government need to create more population zones and increase house building.
The ‘Royal Institute of British Architects’ (RIBA) criticised the size of new UK homes in their report ‘Case for Space’ (September 2011). The finding of the report was that the floor area of the average three bedroom home was only 92 per cent of the minimum recommended size of 88 square metres. The report also went on to criticise the size of other housing developments as being small that recommended minimums.
In the USA, the charity ‘Wildlands Network’ (formerly known as ‘Wildlands Project’) involvement in land zoning initiatives linked to Agenda 21, under the guise of environmental conservation in North America, has caused concern with organisations criticising the charity for being complicit in the globalist’s agenda to move the population to restricted zones, restrict (or eliminate) private land ownership, and the destruction of independent farming.
The ‘Wildlands Network’ claims to use a science-based solution to create four large protected corridors of land running east to west and north to south to protect wildlife and people in the long term, by linking parks and nature preserves with a new, healthy habitat. They also claim to have a role in ‘mitigating climate change’ and using scientific mapping named ‘Wildlands Network Designs’. Since changing the organisations name from ‘Wildlands Project’, the organisation now claims to consist of a number of ‘network partners’, including conservation organisations, foundations, artists, zoos, private land owners, and many other private and government organisations.
The ‘Wildlands Network’ has worked closely with government agencies who use the ‘Wildlands Network Designs’ and mapping into their land management programmes.
As we have already established, the ‘Wildlands Network’ was formerly the ‘Wildlands Project’ (‘Wildlands Project Inc’) which is registered in Florida, which in turn is the product of another organisation, ‘Wild Earth Society Inc.’ which is registered in Vermont, USA. In corporation records, both ‘Wildlands Project Inc’ and ‘Wild Earth Society Inc’ share the same identification number. Donations to ‘Wildlands Project Inc.’ show as going to the Vermont Corporation, where they have charitable status. Financial records show that the major contributor to the ‘Wildlands Project Inc.’ was the ‘Ted Turner Foundation Inc’ of Atlanta, Georgia.
Ted Turner is a known globalist who is also known to have extreme views on population control, and controls a huge media network, including CNN, MGM, TNT, Turner Entertainment, and a vast array of other business interests. Until 2011, he was the largest private land owner in the United States with his substantial land purchases in 2007 coming under the spotlight of other media organisations such as Fox. His outspoken and controversial views have earned him the nicknames of ‘The Mouth of the South’ and ‘Captain Outrageous’.
In Florida, where the ‘Wildlands Network’ is based and is heavily involved in conservation projects in the state, there is an initiative called ‘Florida Forever’ which is active in acquiring land from private owners through the  ‘The Acquisition and Restoration Council’ (ARC). ARC is responsible for reviewing ‘Florida Forever’ projects and determining the projects geographical boundaries, and is also responsible for the priority ranking for projects, and adopts an annual land acquisition work plan.
Land that meets the criteria of Florida statutes, and Rule 18-24 of the Florida Administrative Code can be purchased by the state, provided the purchase prices is 80% or less of its market value, for projects authorised by ‘Florida Forever’.
Between 2010 and 2012 the ‘Florida Forever’ project received little funding due to the financial recession and the slump in duty usually raised through property taxes. In 2012, the project received a fresh injection of cash from the Florida budget, and the Florida cabinet authorised funding for 21 conservation projects. There was criticism from some of the Florida community who felt that the projects the state were authorising focused more on water quality, buffer zones around military bases, and to projects which were already substantially complete, implying that the funding and projects were being used to ensure large tracts of land were inaccessible to the population.
Similar criticisms of the ‘Wildlands Network’ and local government involvement in the acquisition of private land have been made in other parts of the US. There are claims that organisations such as the ‘Wildlands Network’ and government organisations are working towards controlling all land in the country, with the eventual aim of making private land ownership the privilege of a few, and forcing everyone else into zones with very little housing space, in accordance with chapters of Agenda 21.
Although there are initiatives all over the world to produce residential zones with small housing units, there does not seem to be a direct link between organisations such as ‘Wildlands Network’ and local government, other than local government being involved with environmental conservation and (perhaps) taking, or considering, advice from local environmental organisations – which in itself may be enough to show that there is some connection, but not enough to show irrefutable direct links to a government or globalist agenda.
Agenda 21 also makes recommendations for the control of waste management. Agenda 21 identifies four main areas of waste management – minimising waste, reuse and recycling of waste using environmentally sound methods, promoting environmentally sound disposal and treatment, and extending waste coverage.

Homosexuality - The Revelations of Dr Richard Day





The next subject Dr Day talked about was homosexuality. According to Dr Dunegan, Dr Day said “People will be given permission to be homosexual”.
It is curious that this would be included in the globalist’s plans for the future because homosexuality has (as far as we know from scholars) been part of human life since we emerged on this planet. It is not until we look into a little bit of history and the development of openness concerning homosexuality that we begin to see why this was specifically mentioned.
The term ‘homosexual’ is a fairly recent addition to the English language, only appearing in the 19th century, although there have been references to same-sex relationships in various languages throughout history.
The earliest reliable records of (what we now call) homosexual activities are from ancient Greece, where homosexuality was practiced and generally accepted (sometimes celebrated) by both men and women. Not all of ancient Greece approved. There were areas such as Iona that had restrictions on same-sex interactions.
The have been humans in every major period of history, and in every major society, who have engaged in homosexual activity – whether accepted or not. In some societies, homosexual activities were used in rituals, in others homosexuality was practiced for pleasure.
Since the time of the Greeks, many societies have imposed severe penalties for same-sex relationships. In England, anal sex between any gender was made illegal by the Buggery Act of 1553 during the reign of Henry IIIV, with the penalty being death by hanging. The ‘offence’ of sodomy had been dealt with through ecclesiastical courts prior to the Act. The Act went through several alterations until it was finally repealed in 1829 and was replaced by a section 15 of the ‘Offences against the Person Act’ in 1828.
In our more modern history, homosexuality started to gain interest among scholars and scientists in the 19th century. The writings of Sigmund Freud with his theories on sexual identity started to become widely read and accepted. Magnus Hirschfield established the ‘Institute for Sexual Science’ in Berlin in 1919, which continued to amass material relating to homosexuality until 1933. Although dissolved in 1933, the material from the institute has been part of various universities in Germany since.
One of the most famous cases in the UK is the trial of Oscar Wilde in 1895 when he was convicted of gross indecency for homosexual acts which fell short of sodomy, and sentenced to two years in prison.
Homosexuality in England was to remain illegal until 1967 When the Sexual Offences Act permitted homosexual acts in private by men over 21 years of age.
There has never been legislation in the UK concerning lesbianism, with laws specifically referring to interactions between males.
Laws concerning homosexuality in the United States have been made state by state, and the remaining sodomy laws were invalidated in 2003 by the Supreme Court ruling in the Lawrence v. Texas  case, with the exception being the US armed forces. Although homosexuality (specifically sodomy) is no longer illegal, military personnel are still governed by the ‘Uniform Code of Military Justice’ in which an article states ‘a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense, b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct’.
But perhaps Dr Day was not referring to the legislative framework in particular when he said “People will be given permission to be homosexual”. It is more likely that he was referring to a shift in social attitudes to homosexuality.
In recent times we have seen ‘civil partnerships’ and ‘gay marriages’ discussed and approved of by many institutions that had previously expressed that homosexual union was ‘wrong and immoral’. Societies in most developed countries have accepted homosexuality and transgenderism as part of normal, everyday life.
Media personalities have ‘come out’ as being gay, and being gay is no longer a barrier to engaging in society – although there are still some exceptions and prejudice still exists. People are no longer afraid to be ‘gay’ and openly display their sexuality to the rest of their society.

Dr. Richard Day / 1969









Publicado en  por Skiper
Fuente: http://www.overlordsofchaos.com/html/new_order_of_barbarians_2.html
Traducción y corrección de la traducción: Skiper
El 20 de marzo de 1969 el  Dr. Richard Day dio una charla en el National Medical Director del “Planned Parenthood” u Organización para padres planificados y que estaba patrocinada por Rockefeller. Su conferencia la dio ante la Asociación de Pediatras Americanos en Pittsburgh el 20 de marzo de 1969.
El Dr. Day solicitó a los oyentes que no tomasen notas y que desconectasen los equipos de registro de la sala; afortunadamente el Dr. Lawrence Dunegan hizo caso omiso de las advertencias del Dr. Day y grabó toda la charla al completo en 3 cintas de audio.

Pese a lo precoz del año, 1969, muchas de las directrices de la charla que dio el Dr. Day ya se han cumplido hoy en dia o están apunto de cumplirse en la actualidad. Asombra ver como algo dicho por alguien hace prácticamente mas de tres décadas se está cumpliendo a rajatabla y que corresponde en su mayoría con la agenda del nuevo orden mundial.
Este es un pequeño resumen hecho por mi de los puntos más interesante de la charla del Dr. Richard Day resumidos y basados en las 3 cintas de audio de la conferencia:
Se disuadirá a las niñas de jugar con muñecas para que no piensen en los bebés. Se les animará a salir a la cancha de fútbol en su lugar. 

Las armas serían eliminadas casi en su totalidad y las pocas que se dejaron tener para la caza tendrán que comprobarse por parte de los funcionarios. 

Ellos ya pueden curar más del 98% de todos los cánceres, tienen los curas en el Instituto Rockefeller. Pero esto no será expuesto porque según ellos hay demasiada gente en el mundo y tienen que morir de algo.

La homosexualidad se alentará, todo vale. 

Las familias van a disminuir en importancia. Se animará a la gente a vivir solos. 

La eutanasia se alentará, van a utilizar "la píldora desaparición", una píldora para quitarse la vida.

Los nacimientos serán estrictamente controlados y no se podrán tener hijos simplemente porque quieras.

Se fomentarán a las personas estúpidas, gente que no come correctamente y no hacen ejercicio para que mueran mucho antes de lo que deben.

Los médicos privados serán eliminados, los médicos ganan demasiado dinero. 

Ellos harán que el cuidado de la salud sea tan caro que usted deba de tener un seguro o será destruido económicamente. Limitar el acceso a una atención médica asequible hará que la eliminación de ancianos sea más fácil. Los hospitales se abstendránn de dar cualquier tipo de atención de caridad. 

Vendrán nuevas enfermedades difíciles de tratar y de diagnosticar, enfermedades como medio de control de la población.

Las zapatillas y los artículos deportivos serán algo glamouroso y harán que cierto sector de población "inteligente" se metan en el ejercicio. 

La música romántica no se apagará nunca más. Toda la música antigua se pondrá de nuevo en ciertas viejas estaciones de radio y los jóvenes tendrán sus propias estaciones de radio. Las películas antiguas se pondrán de nuevo a los viejos. 

El Entretenimiento se utilizará para cambiar fundamentalmente y programar a los jóvenes. Las personas de edad son importantes de todos modos así que no se preocuparán mucho de ellos.

Comidas enteras se harán y se pondrán en los supermercados. Los alimentos naturales se harán poco saludables. Quieren que la gente este demasiado perezosa para hacer sus propias comidas o hacer ejercicio a tiempo antes de morir. 

Harán que la pubertad en las personas jóvenes se active antes. 

La inducción de ataques cardíacos será un medio de asesinato encubierto. 

Se mezclaran todas las religiones, pero el cristianismo debe de mezclarse todo!, Una vez que la Iglesia Católica Romana se remodele entonces el resto irán a después. A continuación crearán una nueva religión.

Se va a cambiar la Biblia a través del tiempo. Las iglesias les ayudarán. 

El sistema educativo se reestructurará como una herramienta de adoctrinamiento. Los niños podrán pasar más tiempo en la escuela, pero no aprenderán nada útil. Los niños tienen que especializarse desde el principio en su educación y cambiando sus planes va a ser muy difícil que lo consigan. 

La información sobre la identificación (ID) se requiera para todos los viajes que realicen las personas. Se implantarán identificadores dentro de la piel para que nadie pueda decir que perdió sus documentos de identidad. 

Ellos controlan quién tiene acceso a la información. Algunos libros desaparecerán o serán reescritos. Ellos incluso tienen a su disposición ladrones que roban ciertos libros concretos de las bibliotecas. 

Se fomentará el uso de drogas para fomentar un ambiente "Jungla". Mientras tanto el control policial para meter a la gente en la cárcel por drogas se incrementará drasticamente. 

La comida será estrictamente controlada y no se dejará a la gente agrandar su cuenta corriente. Ellos sólo le darán a usted suficiente comida para darle las calorías mínimas que necesite al día, pero el acaparamiento de alimentos y el cultivo de alimentos serán actividades delictivas. No quieren que nadie sea capaz de apoyar a aquellos que estén fuera de su sistema de gobierno.

Los viajes Travel para buscar trabajo o estudiar en el extranjero serán algo muy barato para animar a la gente para difundir sus familias, pero luego harán muy caros estos viajes, por lo que pocas personas se lo podrán permitir. 

El crimen se incrementará como una forma de controlar la sociedad. 

Se harán más cárceles y hasta los hospitales se utilizarán como cárceles. 

América perderá su mano de obra manufacturera. Otros países estarán haciendo los productos que está haciendo ahora de Estados Unidos. 

Los deportes serán utilizados como una herramienta para el cambio social, el futbol se está promoviendo para que sea un juego global. Quieren acabar con el rugby y el béisbol que se crearon en los Estados Unidos. El orgullo nacional de cualquier tipo debe de eliminarse y desanimarse. 

Programarán el sexo y la violencia a través del entretenimiento.

Todos los aparatos de televisión tendrán cámaras secretas que mirarán a todo el mundo en los comedores de sus casas.

Ellos implantarán sistemas IDs (Información Biométrica) en todo el mundo. 

Ellos controlan lo que está en nuestra comida. 

Ellos ya controlan el clima. Eliminarán la lluvia en ciertas áreas del mundo para poner a la gente bajo su control. Harán que llueva demasiado o no llueva nada durante los períodos de cosechas para que sea más difícil para la gente conseguir la comida de los campos. 

Siempre hay dos razones para todas sus acciones. La razón pública que dan a todo el mundo y la verdadera razón. 

Las personas no hacen las preguntas correctas porque son demasiado confiadas.

La investigación científica se ha falsificado para impulsar sus agendas. 

El terrorismo será utilizado para controlar a las personas. 

La propiedad de la vivienda será una cosa del pasado. 

Estaría bien que el nuevo sistema de control global sea llevado por medios pacíficos si es posible, o bien llevar una nación al borde de la guerra nuclear. La gente renunciará a su soberanía nacional para mantener la paz.

Si demasiada gente se resiste a sus planes, podría haber una necesidad de utilizar una, dos o más armas nucleares para mostrarle al mundo que "vamos en serio". 

La guerra se justifica como una manera de controlar a la población. Ellos estan muy contentos de que las dos guerras mundiales que ellos mismos crearon hayan matado a millones de personas para que no puedan seguir teniendo bebés. Pero ahora, con las armas nucleares existentes no permitirían que las guerras se peleen a gran escala con armas nucleares.

Los estadounidenses han tenido demasiadas cosas buenas, así que puede ser que necesiten que el terrorismo nuclear sea utilizado con el fin de implementar el nuevo sistema de orden mundial. 

La inflación es una herramienta de control. El dinero se convertiría en crédito. El dinero en efectivo será eliminado. La gente llevará dinero sólo para objetos pequeños, cosas tales como masticar chicle. Todo lo demás se hará electrónicamente. Ellos finalmente quieren tener un solo sistema bancario, pero podrían aparecer varios grandes bancos y el resto de bancos serán eliminados. 

Todas las compras que realice una persona tendrán un seguimiento. Si usted compró demasiado de un elemento o un elemento en particular, un funcionario investigará su caso personal y se pondrá a investigar.
La capacidad de guardar cosas o comida se verá disminuida por lo que nadie será capaz de acumular riqueza de ningún tipo. La riqueza en las manos de la gente no es algo bueno para los responsables de controlar el mundo a su antojo.

Si usted guardó demasiado dinero, su sueldo se reduciría en el futuro con lo que no podrá acumular riqueza.

Se alentará dar créditos a la gente para que entren en deudas y se metan en problemas por lo que las autoridades podrán tener carta blanca o mano dura con ellos. 

Con el tiempo sólo habría una sola tarjeta de crédito y luego, después habrá un implante bajo su piel situado en la mano derecha o en su frente. Le dirán que no se preocupe por lo que dice la Biblia acerca de esto, porque este era sólo el lugar más lógico para colocarle el implante. 

Los implantes también se utilizarán para la vigilancia. Todo ciudadano podrá ser identificado por su propia señal emitida a través de empastes dentales, su móvil, etc. 

Usted estará viendo la televisión y alguien le estará viendo a usted en una estación central. La televisión podrá estar apagada y vigilarle todavía. Ellos podrán decir lo que está usted viendo y cómo está usted reaccionando a lo que está viendo. Las señales para el seguimiento de cada persona bajarán por el cable de la TV por cable y los cables telefónicos.

Los monitores de audio también se pueden utilizar en otras habitaciones. Todos los cables que entran en el hogar, como cables de teléfono, se utilizarán para vigilarle. 

Habrá camiones de servicio de todo el mundo camuflados poniendo el equipo de monitoreo y vigilando a la gente. 

Las personas que ya poseían casas se les permitiría a mantenerlas, pero los jóvenes nunca serán capaces de comprar una casa. El coste de los hogares no bajará incluso con todas las casas vacías. Ellos controlan el precio de las viviendas y quieren convertir a cada vez más personas en inquilinos en casas ajenas en vez de en propietarios de viviendas propias. 

Se le asignará a la gente donde vivirán y se les asignará a gente de otros paises y que no son miembros de su familia para que vivan con usted. Es por eso que en el nuevo censo se preguntará cuántas habitaciones tiene en la casa. 

Cuando salga este nuevo sistema, la gente estará obligada a firmar su relación con este sistema. No habría espacio para las personas que no firmaron su lealtad al nuevo sistema. Serán secretamente trasladados a lugares especiales en los que no vivirán mucho tiempo. La gente simplemente desaparecerá y serán eliminados discretamente para que no puedan ser mártires.

El nuevo sistema entrará en vigor en un fin de semana de invierno, posiblemente durante las festividades navideñas. Ellos anunciarán que el nuevo sistema estaba ya en marcha el lunes actual, así todo el mundo tendrá menos tiempo libre para preguntarse que ha pasado y poder averiguar lo que está pasando después de que el nuevo sistema haya sido implementado sin avisos oficiales anteriores.

How The Elite Extract Energy Through Rituals | The David Icke Dot Connector Videocast



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Publicado el 13 may. 2017
World Tour Tickets - http://www.TheWorldWideWakeUp.com 2017

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David Icke: Bilderbergs Grip of The World An Infowars Exclusive



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Publicado el 5 jun. 2012
Infowars.com travels to Britain's Isle of Wight to speak with pioneering author and public speaker David Icke about the Bilderberg Group, trends in global activism and how the global elite are able to control society, as well as their ability to manipulate our reality.

David Icke: How The Public Is Programmed To Become Slaves



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Publicado el 6 ene. 2016
On today's show, British author David Icke discusses key world events and the Australian government's move to ban him from speaking in the country.

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