THE ARK OF THE COVENANT FOUND IN BULGARIA At the Gradenshnitsa, Bulgaria, We Have Recovered The 7000 Years Old Ark Of The Orpheic (Orphic)Covenant With The First Covenant Tablet | |||||||||||||||||||||
“Culture Gradeshnitsa” was an intrinsic part of “Culture Thracia”, and this became particularly evident after the decoding of the Thracian Pictographic text, present on the world-famous Votive Tablet from Gradeshnitsa, by using the Guide Method, as was published in “The Thracian Script Decoded – Book I” by Dr. Stephen Guide.That “Culture Gradeshnitsa” was not an “isolated” event, but was part of a much broader South-Eastern European complex, was first suggested by the famous Bulgarian archaeologist Bogdan Nikolov, who spent a lifetime of work on the site and on the subject, and in his book called The Gradeshnitsa Prehistoric Settlements, he made the following almost prophetic statement: “The prehistoric settlements of the Gradeshnitsa type belong to a common South-Eastern European Complex… The settlements of the old, the late and the early chalcolithic period at Gradeshnitsa bring new light to the problem areas of the prehistoric past, not only on the Balkans and the South-Eastern European subcontinent, but also to the pre-historic period in West Asia Minor. Undoubtedly, they will trigger great interest among the most serious scientific circles and will raise new questions, as well as bring due corrections to the existing hypotheses and opinions, and thus, will inevitably lead to new more sound conclusions. This stems out of the fact that the prehistoric culture found at Gradeshnitsa, demonstrates a developed original style, and a finished classical form and tradition…” (Bogdan Nikolov – The Gradeshnitsa Prehistoric Settlements, Science And Art Press, Sofia, 1974) The Ancient Thracians’ Concepts about the Sacredness of Life at the Individual and the Community Levels, Temple Worship and the Ark of the Covenant, as expressed in the Artifacts from “Culture-Gradeshnitsa” “The Temple of God is my Fortress and Defense” – states the Votive Tablet from Gradeshnitsa in its Covenant Text. The Temple of God, however, begins in the heart of the worshipper and the Thracian Scribe knew this fact. At the ancient Temple site at Gradeshnitsa we witness this knowledge engraved upon a 5000 BCE figurine, which has a hieroglyphic inscription depicting the “human heart”: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Temple Worship, however, does not end only in the heart, or at the individual level. It is a community enterprise, and it requires community expression. The Thracian community at Gradeshnitsa, expressed its need of communal worship of God, by building a whole Temple Site, which in fact yielded all the found and analyzed artifacts in this book, which in the end are also the result of a community effort, which included archeological and linguistic “digs” and “restoration” work in our age and time. The following artifact from this sacred Temple Site reflects the importance of Temple Worship in the eyes of the ancient priest / scribe: But in addition to that symbol, the above artifact has a few more pictograms, one of which is engraved right around its “entrance” aperture: (pp 195, 287, The Mummy in Ancient Egypt, by Salima Ikram and Aidan Dodson, 1998 Thames and Hudson Ltd, London) What the Egyptologists - authors of the work named above did not know, was the fact that the first most ancient prototype of the “national sanctuary”(or “per-nu” *** - Upon further scrutiny, our most ancient “chest”, or “coffin” from Gradeshnitsa, which clearly represents a “Model of a Temple”, has four very peculiar ornaments at its four cardinal upper corners, depicting faces of some “mythical creatures”. This brings to memory the finds of a number of similar coffins, or sarcophagi “guarded by Cherubs” from the Old Kingdom in Ancient Egypt, where the four cherubs had been named “Isis, Nephtys, Neith and Serkhet” and were known as goddesses. Now a typical example of such a “sacred chest”, or “coffin” is the gilded Canopic Shrine of Tutankhamun, guarded by the statues of the four goddesses at the four cardinal points. Another extraordinary and very peculiar symbol is flanking the “entrance” of the Temple model represented by our “sacred chest” from Gradeshnitsa and it appears to be of great significance by the mere position it had been appointed: typical Egyptian hieroglyphs:
It follows from the above that the possible interpretation of the symbols The fact that we use a very similar icon symbol for friendship and/or business deals in the 21st century, as illustrated below To complete our review of the pictograms on the “sacred chest” from Gradeshnitsa, we need to consider the following two symbols, which also deserve our special attention: The hieroglyph But what makes the Gradeshnitsa “Temple Model” artifact especially notable, is the fact that it was found in proximity to the Gradeshnitsa Votive Tablet in the same Temple “Complex”, at the Eneolithic Gradeshnitsa Temple Site! As you may well remember, this Votive Tablet represented the First Covenant (Contract) between God and man ever recorded in history! (for more detail, go back to Chapter I of this Book, and Book I of The Thracian Script Decoded). In addition, the chest is of such size, that the Votive Tablet can fit exactly inside it. No wonder then, that the chest carries the pictogram However, this is definitely NOT the Mosaic Ark with the Two Tablets of the Covenant between God and the Jewish people! The Covenant (Votive) Tablet found at Gradeshnitsa states the name of Thrace and the Three-one God, who dwells in the Land of Thrace, and then states that the “God dwelling in the Temple (pronounced “Orphei” = Orpheus) is a mighty fortress and defense”! The passage may also mean that the “God, dwelling in Orpheus is a mighty fortress and defense”! Upon further analysis the whole Covenant text upon the Tablet may be understood as a Covenant between the people of Thrace (or their representative) and the God of Orpheus, i.e. the Three-one God, dwelling in Thrace! In addition, the “Ark” box itself, has the same pictogram Further survey of the artifacts shows that the Covenant Tablet’s size allows it to precisely fit inside the “Ark” (“chest”) upon one condition, and that is the condition in which the tablet did not go through the “entrance” (aperture) of the “ark”, which is in fact too small for the Tablet, “to go through”, but large enough for the Tablet to be “seen through” and/or “touched through”! Which means, that the Tablet had to be deposited in the “ark” prior “to closing”, or rather completing the ark’s roof (as it has no lid, but is made of one whole piece of clay)! This also means that the “Ark of the Orpheic Covenant” had to be baked (and thus completed) with the Tablet already inside of it. Thus the tablet itself would have already been baked and completed, and maybe even worn as a “sacred amulet” or “ritual relic”, some time prior to even being placed in the “ark”! This makes the Votive Tablet of Gradeshnitsa of somewhat older origin than the Covenant Ark which was obviously specially tailored to it in such a way, that once the Tablet was deposited inside it, it could be touched and seen (through the small aperture), but it could NEVER be taken out again, unless the “Ark” itself, was broken first! And the reason that we have the Votive Tablet of Gradeshnitsa outside and separated from the “Ark” is the fact that IT WAS BROKEN FIRST! Evidence to that can be seen in the fact that all walls of the “Ark” in its present restored condition, are engraved with decorative repetitions of the pictograms described above, except only one side wall, which is totally messed and “blank” or devoid of any pictograms or decorations, or any patterns of any sort, for this matter! That wall was the “restored” wall, after the breaking of the “ark” and the taking out of the Covenant Tablet(s)! Whether this restoring occurred in “prehistoric”, or “modern” time, all the same, IT DID OCCUR! The Ark of the Covenant was broken. Was this a sign that the Covenant itself had been broken, similarly to the time (thousands of years later), when Moses broke the first Tablets of the Covenant of God, because in his absence the people had broken their covenant relationship with God? This we may never know. What we know, however, is that at Eneolithic Gradeshnitsa in Thrace, we have discovered The First Ark of the Orpheic (Orphic) Covenant andThe First Tablet of this Orpheic (Orphic) Covenant – the Votive Tablet of Gradeshnitsa! The logical question that comes to mind is, why then, didn’t the scribe just write it simply so – in just one line of hieroglyphs, rather than getting into the intricate pattern of decorative repetitions of the various pictograms upon different sections of the Temple Model chest, as seen above? The answer may not be immediately obvious to many, yet it is quite transparent to those who have extensively studied the subject of “sacred writing calligraphy”, and the art of “sacred enigma encryption”, which both reveal that the ancients’ minds loved to “play with words” and their meaning, and produce intricate “sacred riddles”, by literally trans- positioning, inter-lacing, juxta-placing, and puzzle-wording their writings, to such an extent, that in the end, only the specially trained, or “initiated” in the mysteries eyes, could unravel the “secret meaning” of a sacred text. In addition, the ancient priests loved to say many things, using few words (or rather pictograms) by positioning them in a very special spatial (symmetrical, or asymmetrical) fashion (akin to a “mandala” of sorts!), in order to achieve that multi-level meaningful effect. In our case with the “chest from Gradeshnitsa”, the ancient scribe wanted to say simultaneously quite a few things, possible examples of which are listed below:
“The Ark is of God”, but also somehow “God is in the Ark”, and “God is in Orpheus (His Temple)”? In conclusion, we can summarize the above facts as follows:“The Ark belongs to Orpheus”, but also “The Ark is in the Temple”, and “The Ark is in God”? “The Covenant is Orpheic (of Orpheus)”, but also it is “God’s Covenant”, and “God and Orpheus are bound by Covenant”?, etc, etc, etc…
See decoding of other artifacts containing the Thracian Script ** N.B. |
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