martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Satanic Establishment?



Friday, 22 January 2010

Satanic Establishment?

It doesn't matter if you are an Atheist, a New Ager, a Christian, whatever; surely we can agree that having people who are in positions of power, and who are also involved with Satanism, can't be good.

Now of course, I do not take at face value everything in the below links I have dug up today. But there's enough decent information out there on the web about connections between today's establishment and Satanism, such that these alleged ties warrant attention for all people. Remember, even if you're an atheist who thinks this is all fictional, Satanists are known to perform ritual murders for example - the issue transcends religion. I'm not offended by anyone's beliefs, the key point is when beliefs become actions. And hardcore Satanists still will not settle for mock human sacrifices, they want the real thing.

First of all, the superficial. Here's a few pictures following the theme set by General Tommy Lee Franks above...

George Bush satanic hand sign (loadsa pics of him throwing the horns)
Barack Obama:
Bill Clinton satanic hand sign
Nicolas Sarkozy satanic hand sign
Angela Merkel seemingly prefers this Masonic handsign just like Jay-Z:

But please, be rational about this hand sign business. Are you to tell me they all have itchy fingers? How else could this be explained? Perhaps it's a coincidence...but then you add in the Bohemian Grove and things get a little more real...

Love For Life - Australian Satanism (a long document written by a now-deceased Satanist, released after his death. Pretty damning stuff.)

Vigilant Citizen - Lil Wayne's "On Fire": A Video About Occult Initiation (be sure to look up some of the other popular artists on that site whose Satanic material is exposed such as Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Beyonce, and Jay-Z...)

Henry Makow - Occult Power Running Canadian Parliament? (again, this is a maybe, all depends on interpretation I suppose)

Is the 'Christian' Alpha Course actually Satanic? See this book here. I'm not reading the whole thing, maybe some other time, but the section from p.175 onwards is interesting, detailing how the Alpha Course and Rick Warren are Blasphemous, Pagan and Occult (I'm not personally horrified by this, but I see how a Christian would be, very much so).

Skull and Bones execution robes for sale on ebay, and slightly homosuggestive Masonic items in an old catalogue. Yes, thisis a most entertaining thread. A must read.

Are Occultism and Satanism the same thing?

This is one of those controversies that can offend people easily. Christians are likely to say that all occultism and paganistic practices are tricks of the Devil, and thus everything 'spiritual' that isn't 'Judeo-Christian', to use the popular Christian-Zionist phrase, is basically Satanism in disguise.

Others however assert that some old pagan traditions are harmless (depending of course on what you're doing - I doubt many modern pagans like the idea of a Wicker Man!) For example, modern Wiccans practice witchcraft but believe it is wrong to do harm. New Age ideas mesh with what one might call 'conspiracy theories' to give rise to the belief that the elites are hiding valuable secrets from us, whether spiritual, historical or technological - secrets which are taught in their mystery schools, camouflaged by Occultism and 'Black Magick'. To an extent I endorse this view...'the very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society' as JFK said.

Another argument is that many Christian traditions are in fact Pagan. Christmas/Solstice celebration, Easter/Fertility celebration (that's what the Easter Bunny symbolises, folks), for instance. Some go much further and assert that Christianity itself is pagan, citing paralells between Christ, His disciples and resurrection story, with ideas of the Sun (Son), the Zodiac (disciples), the constellation Crux (the cross) and the Winter Solstice (died for three days and rose again, like the Sun's movements around December 21st). But that is another heated debate for another day!

In my humble opinion, due to the distinct differences in belief structure shown, all occultism surely cannot be treated as being one with satanism. Perhaps a fitting description would be that all satanists are occult, but only some occultists are satanic.

So, are there Satanists in our midst? Of course. Most are ordinary people and honestly it's none of my business what freaky religious practices they are involved in, as long as they're not harming others (which some may say is a naive expectation for me to have of Satanists). But what about our ruling class? Well, they have shown themselves to be fond of these beliefs and practices for one reason or another. And they run whole nations. Take from it what you will.

Related - see my post on Britain's war dead. Note the symbolism permeating many war memorials, because it represents what the establishment really thinks of the troops it orders to war.

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