When French Freemason Pierre L’Enfant designed the layout of WashingtonD.C. he placed occult symbols everywhere.The most impressive of these directly relates to the Bohemian Grove society. When seen from an aerial view, the U.S. Congress building, surrounding roads, trees, and structures clearly form the picture of an owl sitting atop a pyramid.
“The roads within the grounds of the CongressBuilding make the very clear symbol of an owl!You also find that the owl is sitting on a pyramid. The pyramid and all seeing owl. The collective word for owls is a parliament of owls,which is uncannily appropriate. The same owl symbol can be found hidden on the dollar bill if you know where to look and you have avery powerful magnifying glass. I also understand a new pedestrianisation scheme around Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square, London, is going to look like an owl from above.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (357)
The same owl appears on the National Press Club logo, the Congress building, and the upper-right hand corner of every U.S. Dollar bill. What does this owl symbolize and why is ithidden in our architecture and currency?
“There is a sexual playground for leading American and foreign politicians, mobsters, bankers,businessmen, top entertainers, etc, who are initiates of the Babylonian Brotherhood. It is called Bohemian Grove, 75 miles north of San Francisco inCalifornia, near the hamlet of Monte Rio alongside the RussianRiver in SonomaCounty. I went to the area in 1997 to have a look around and when I told the hotel receptionist where I was going she warned me to be very careful because some people who had been to investigate had never been seen again.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (327)
Bohemian Grove is a 2,700 acre forest retreat for the elite. Every July since 1873, hundreds (now thousands) of top politicians, bankers, businessmen, and mediapersonalities gather at thegrove for two weeks of events ranging from the expected, such as meetings, speeches and lectures, to the very unexpected, like drunken mass orgies and mock human sacrifice rituals affront a 40ft. tall statue of a Babylonian owl-god! Such craziness was often discounted as hearsay by naysayers, that is untilAuthor/Filmmaker Alex Jones infiltrated the grove in 2000 and shot clear video footage of the “Cremation of Care” ritual in his film “Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove.”
“At this point, I should digress and go back and say that as we were walking into the Grove we actually came within about ten yards of the 40 foot stone owl that sits to the north side of the small lake. We were only about seven yards away from the black altar that sits at the base of the owl. So, already at this point we had proven that rumor true: yes there is a giant stone owl – yes there is an altar … So, I was there witnessing something right out of the medieval
painter Hieronymus Bosch’s Visions of Hell: burning metal crosses, priests in red and black robes with the high priest in a silver robe with a red cape, a burning body screaming in pain, a giant stone great-horned owl, world leaders, bankers, media and the head of academia engaged in these activities. It was total insanity.”-Alex Jones, “Occult Activities at Bohemian Grove” (http://illuminati-news.com/occult-activities-at-bohemian-grove.htm)
Besides the occult ceremonies and sexual promiscuities, policy speeches are regularly given by members and guests as well. They even boast that the Manhattan Project was conceived at Bohemian Grove. Edward Teller, the father of the H-bomb, and Glenn Seaborg who developed Plutonium were both grovers. Other past/regular attendees include: George Bush Sr. and Jr., Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Herbert Hoover, Robert and Joseph Kennedy, David, Laurence, and Nelson Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Al Gore, Dan Quayle, Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Newt Gingrich, Alan Greenspan, David Gergen, George Shultz, William Casey, William F. Buckley, Robert Novak, Ray Kroc, Prince Bandar Bin Abdul Aziz, Mikhail Gorbachev, James Woolsey, Earl Warren, Walter Cronkite, William Randolph Hearst, Andrew Knight, Burt Bacharach, Bing Crosby, and Bob Hope just to scratch the surface.
“Now, I have to ask you, what are ex-Presidents of the United States, such as Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush doing there? These are all living President's - standing there in unison, the whole line of them, in uniforms, looking like Ku Klux Clan members, in front of a great bonfire, worshipping an owl.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
The last two weeks of July correspond to the sacred 13th moon and the Pagan New Year. These secret society members all know the Gregorian calendar is a farce so they don’t party on January 1st (a meaningless day and completely arbitrary New Year). They all gather at Bohemian Grove to celebrate the July 25th “Day Out of Time” and the July 26th Lunar New Year.
“The last two weeks of July, of every year, a secret meeting is held in our country in northern California, by the world's most powerful people. Bankers, politicians, industrialists, entertainment luminaries, a huge composite of puissant world figures. This group is directly linked with the European ruling elites, and is commonly known as the Bohemian Society. Our now famous Council of Foreign Relations, the government behind the American government, is represented at the Bohemian Grove, along with members of the Bilderberger Group ofEurope. A meeting is held, once a year there, to decide on a worldwide scale a manipulative agenda concerning your future. A shining example of true democracy carried on in the dark. Obviously, here, your vote doesn't count. Appropriately, the owl was chosen as a symbol for this ilk, for it, too, is at home in the dark. The name bohemian carries a dictionary definition as, ‘A community of persons who adopt manners and mores, conspicuously different from those expected, or approved of by the majority of society who disregard conventional standards of behavior.’ No wonder they want no input from you.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
They are so much into satanism and occultism most sound people would hardly believe it. Horryfying.
It's great that there are authors like You who expose them. If only people started thinking and recognising facts right *sigh*.
Keep up the good job.
MS, Poland
About the owl as symbol, the current richest man in the world owns a chain of stores and restaurants named Sanborns, (hundreds of them in Mexico9) The symbol of those stores is a group of owls.
Owl could be related to lillith perhaps?
Googled owl and lillith, some tablets of a Sumerian owl goddess came up...a demon which preys on children according to legend.
And if it is Lillith that they are making offerings to, well, what exactly IS Lillith? Why do they venerate her/it so much? Is Lillith the only one lurking in the shadows? Or is it just another smokescreen?
Interestingly enough, there's accounts of a female night demon, lilitu, in Assyrian mythology. Again, the theme of stealing children. Doesn't seem like anything but as a previous poster mentioned, 800,000 children under 18 go missing each year in the United States alone. Not saying they are scooped up by night demons, but with those numbers, I believe it's indicative of a segment of society preying on the young. Out of a country of 300,000,000, 2000 kids a day.
Now, what's weird is the uptick from 1980 (150,000) people per year vs now
"That would make sense because it is a small child effigy which is burned during their psychotic "creamation of care" ritual affront the giant owl."
knowing the attendees of this get-together, some of their appetites and accessibility, its not a stretch to consider they use real children for their sacrifices.
Between the Dulce, NM underground base, and McDonalds (per rabbi Finkelsteins' own account), its no wonder that 800,000 children can disappear without a trace.
Like fries with that?
I wonder if lillith could be an entity secretly guiding or giving power to these members of the bohemian grove and possibly other secret societies? Ya don't sacrifice children and not get something in return.....
..children mcnuggets.....
Dark joke for dark times.
Population of the US goes up 30% from 1970 (203 million) to now (315 million approx) while missing children goes from 150,000 in 1980 to 800000(450%) 30 years later.
I wish it was a joke.
Yes, the exponential increase in missing children indicates there definitely is a "market" for "kids" which, btw, I think was a term coined because goat "kids" were interchangeable with human "kids". Makes something with sinister doings into pc-sounding for the populace (and double entendre for those in the know)...
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