martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

New World Order (NWO) - The Daily Bell



New World Order (NWO)

Many have postulated an Anglo-American elite that seeks one world governance – a kind of New World Order (also known as One World Order). Such speculation is commonly derided by the mainstream news establishment as "conspiracy theory." Those who are involved in such speculation see various patterns at play within the larger sociopolitical environment at work in the world today. Their perspectives may be supported by various evidences that there is a conspiracy and that the conspirators are those who seek to saddle the world with such a New World Order.

Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill both apparently used the term "New World Order" after their respective world wars to describe the new nature of the world's environment. The idea was that a host of internationalist, collective instrumentalities could be grafted onto nation-states without affecting nations' rights to self-determination. The United NationsNATO, WHO, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements are just some of the overarching facilities that were created in the 20th century as a result.

The early and mid-20th century were a kind of heyday for these inter-global elements because of various socialist and progressive public movements that tilted sentiment toward globalist-oriented solutions. But in the 21st century with the ruin of these instrumentalities so evident and obvious, there is possibly a good deal less support. The support for the European Union, for instance, was very strong in the 20th century and for a few years into the 21st century. But now with the difficulties that the EU faces, it is probably likely that the populace of many countries would rethink their entrée if they could.

Whether one believes in a New World Order or not, there are plenty of prominent people who have commented on it, including various writers such as H. G. Wells. He defined the New World Order as a kind of technocracy where skilled people would plan the world scientifically. This is analogous to Plato's suggestion for Utopia planned by "wise ones." Today, the term technocracy has dropped from popularity but the ideas behind technocracy-oriented (Platonic) solutions remain.

The 1960s saw the rise of various right wing elements, including in the US the John Birch Society, that denounced the "insiders" – basically wealthy elitists – who ran the world, and claimed these individuals wanted to set up totalitarian communismGary Allen, in his 1971 famous book None Dare Call It Conspiracy became a main spokesman for the Birchers and their perspectives. The suspicions of those who research or read seriously about such theories were heightened when in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and US commencement of the Gulf War,George H. W. Bush gave a nationally broadcast speech on 9/11/1990 to Congress, explaining that the US should take advantage of the Gulf crisis as a "unique and extraordinary moment" out of which a "new world order can emerge."

What was the reaction? Some likened it to an "electric shock" going through those groups and individuals who believed that there were elites running the world and aiming for a New World Order. Evangelist Pat Robertson soon wrote the book The New World Order, which became a bestseller. It strung together the various elements of supposed elite control, including, according to a Wikipedia summary, "Wall Street, the Federal Reserve System,Council on Foreign RelationsBilderberg Group, and Trilateral Commission. [These] control the flow of events from behind the scenes, nudging us constantly and covertly in the direction of world government for the Antichrist."

Wikipedia itself takes a non-judgmental view toward conspiracy theory in general. But in fact, this is probably a little like taking a non-judgmental approach to mortality. One can debate whether or not death exists, but sooner or later one will know for sure it does. For anyone who uses today's Internet to research "one-world order" conspiracies the facts will soon snap into place. There is a nascent New World Order. Intergenerational elites have worked patiently for its fulfillment for at least a century, perhaps much longer. To deny the overwhelming flood of websites devoted to one-world governance and the obvious patterns enunciated therein is certainly possible. But it is more difficult every day.

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