sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

How The 'David Icke Is A Freemason' Photograph Was Faked




How The 'David Icke Is A Freemason' Photograph Was Faked

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My god, they must be desperate to discredit me. It must be something I said - and will keep saying.

This won't be the last attempt to discredit me and my work this year either - not even nearly so - but they can throw all the dirt and diversions they like. I will keep on keeping on no matter what.

But you know what has been utterly amazing to me? The number of people who think they are 'streetwise' who have just repeated this fantasy without question - repeaters again - when it is the most blatant piece of Photoshop. Staggering.

Do they not think for a second that the Control System in all its forms has an interest in discrediting me? Apparently not. I say again ... and a few people can't control the world??

Well, Well, Well ... the 'David Icke Is A Freemason' Picture Before It Was Photoshopped

It was then turned the other way round ...

... and this face of David Icke added, again switched around the other way ...

You would be amazed how many people were taken in by this pathetic hoax ... an example ...

David's arthritic hand making Freemasonic signals

Thanks to the researchers on the forum for their great work, much appreciated ...

Click here and scroll down ...

David Icke 'Outed' As A Freemason Shock (It Says Here)

No, honest, don't laugh ... this is me below apparently ... third from the left ...

I am told they call me 'W. Bro David Icke' ...

... I know, but it keeps them off the streets, bless 'em ...

Please read this world exclusive  ...

'I suspected for a long time he mixed info with fearmongering disinfo.

Now I know for sure...

David dIcke [sic] is busted!'


Read more ...

This prat has even made a video ... enjoy ... 

You couldn't make it up. Oh sorry... he just did. 

And if I was a Freemason covertly manipulating, I am going to pose for a picture on the website of a Freemasonic Lodge with my name underneath, right??

And a few people can't control the world, it's a piece of cake.

I must have a new book coming out that is going to blow the conspiracy wide open and it won't be the last effort to discredit me and my work in 2010 as I have long known. But come on, chaps. You can do better than this, surely?

Oh yes, one other thing ...  I am six-feet-one. So bloody hell, I must be surrounded by giants ... the guy at the back on the left must be Godzilla

Hey ... Put the Picture Back, it's So Funny

This fake picture claiming to be me as a 'Freemason' (apparently third from the left) disappeared after I highlighted it on this website on Friday ... this was the link ...


Why is the hoaxer so challenged in the testicle department that they have to take it down? Come on, put it back and tell us who you are and why you want to mislead people. I'll roll my trouser leg up if you don't - and bare my breast - and neither is a pretty sight.

'Hey, they say David Icke's in the Skull and Bones and the Jesuits and Opus Dei and the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations - and basically everyone he's spent 20 years exposing

Has he got a new book out that takes the exposure onto a whole new level? Sounds like it.'

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