domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

2013 What is the Illuminati Skeptics see this - Amazing 48 minutes of Information


Uno de los vídeos más interesantes y completos sobre los Illuminati que he visto jamás, de la mano de dos de los mejores investigadores: Jordan Maxwell y Anthony J. Hilder. 

Tocan prácticamente todo tema relacionado, desde Política a Ocultismo pasando por Economía, Historia, Nazismo, Comunismo, Religión, Economía, Reserva Federal, Banqueros, Hollywood, Simbología, Sociedades Secretas, Teosofía, Nueva Era, Contactados, OVNIs, Arquitectura Sagrada y Numerología...  Entre otros.

Completo y entretenido. Imprescindible.


Texto adjunto:

Publicado el 01/04/2013
I have spent hundreds of hours researching the Illuminati conspiracy and many hours putting together all these vids, IF YOU CARE ABOUT THIS INFORMATION GETTING OUT, RATE, FAVORITE AND COMMENT (because it gets easier to find on youtube) and share these videos, (re-upload them).

Info on the supposed "aliens"

Proof drones were used on the WTC towers:


A very important and rare to find (in this quality) discussion about the Illuminati.
This is not where they talk about theories, but about what is currently known about the stage of the conspiracy.
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