viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

Satanic Calendar - The Forbidden Knowledge



Satanic Calendar

7  -  St Winebald day:  Blood rituals, dismemberment.  Animal/human sacrifice.
17 - Satanic revels:  Sexual rituals.
20 - 26:  Sacrifice preparation:  kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
26 - The Da Muer ritual:  Grand climax.  Sex rituals and human sacrifice of woman/child.

2  -  Candlemass:  Mass initiation of new members and animal or human sacrifice.

1  -  St Eichatadt Day:  Blood rituals involving the drinking of human blood for strength and homage/honours to demons.
20 - Vernal/Spring Equinox:  A feast day involving orgies and animal or human sacrifice.
24 - Feast of the beast:  A sixteen year old girl becomes the bride of satan in a marriage ceremony. 

Easter Week-end:  Black mass/black sabbath.  To mock the death of Jesus Christ, a man is sacrificed on Good Friday.  On Easter Sunday, known to satanists as unholy sunday, a woman or man is sacrificed followed by three days of fasting and chanting.
19 - 25  Sacrifice preparation:  kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
25  The Da Muer ritual:  Grand climax.  Sex rituals and sacrifice of a woman or young girl.
30  Walpurgis night/Beltane:  One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar.  Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.

24  Ascension day:  Rituals to mock the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven.

17  Corpus Christi:  Feast to mock the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
21  St John's Eve:  Feast day with orgies and animal or human sacrifice.

1  Demon revels:  Blood rituals and sexual relations with demons. 
20 - 27  Sacrifice preparation:  Kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for sacrifice.
27  Grand climax:  Sexual rituals and female sacrifice.

1  Lammas day:  Animal or human sacrifice.
3  Satanic revels:  Sexual ritual.

20  Autumnal Equinox:  Midnight host.  Blood ritual.  Dismemberment of corpses:  hands are removed from hand of glory rituals.  Cannibalism usually occurs.
23  Feast day and sexual orgies, with human sacrifice.

22 - 29  Sacrifice preparation:  kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
28 - 30  Satanist high unholy days:  Related to halloween.  Human sacrifices.
31  All hallow's Eve (Halloween):  One of the two most important nights of the year.  Attempts are made to break the bond which is keeping the doors to the underworld closed.  Blood and sexual rituals.  Sexual association with demons.   Animal and human sacrifice -  male or female.

1 - 3  High unholy days:  Related to halloween.  Human sacrifices.

22  Summer Solstice:  Animal and human sacrifices are made.
24  Demon revels:  Male and female sacrifice.
25  Yuletide:  Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess.  The satanist's own birthday is very important.  The satanist says:  "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one".   (LaVey, the satanic bible).

2 February:                            Candlemas
April (varies)                         Good Friday
30 April          May night/Maypole dance
1 May                          Baltane (May day)
21 June                              St John's Eve
1 August                                     Lammas
31 October                               Halloween
1 December                    St Thomas day

Black                                  Darkness, night, evil, devil, sorrow.
Blue               Vigilance, water, tears, sadness, pornography.
Green                               Vegetation, nature, soothing, restful.
Red                                                 Blood, physical life, energy.
White                                         Cleanliness, purity, innocence.
Yellow                                     Perfection, wealth, glory, power.

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