We here at EliteAgenda know that the “9/11 was an inside job” evidence has been exposed ad nauseam on most truth seeking sites, and we don’t mean to retread on some facts you may already know, but we felt it necessary to give our thoughts on the tragic events that went down that day, if for no other reason than it marked a huge shift in our country in terms of pushing the agenda of the NWO and also pushed us into the current Police state we are (mostly inadvertently) living in today. It’s been 12 years since we experienced the tragedy that changed the world. We also feel it necessary to point out that, regardless of how the attacks were executed and who was responsible, we still feel amazing sadness and sympathy for anyone who lost a life or lost a loved one that day. This especially goes out to our heroes, some of who are experiencing signs of an asbestos attack due to that fateful event. It only makes us grieve even more to see all the evidence that points to the fact that 9/11 WAS an inside job, perpetuated by our own Government to further their agenda of globalization and fear mongering. Also, with the recent attacks in Boston, and another war in the Middle East coming soon, we cannot help but feel this is a timely subject we need to touch upon now.
11. Operation Northwoods
By denying this, Kennedy sealed his own fate in the worst way possible, but cemented himself as a true American hero and the last honest president we ever had.
In 1962, the U.S government approached John F. Kennedy with a plan that would see the hijacking of an American plane, supposedly by a Cuban, resulting in the death of everyone on board that plane in an act of ‘terrorism”, so Americans would get behind a potential invasion of Cuba in our name. Kennedy was appalled at the idea, and went on to the give the famous ” no secrets” speech that would end up getting him killed. So did you process all of that?
There is an actual document, available to anyone with Google, that shows the exact plan the Kennedy refused to partake in. It is called a “false flag” operation, and used to rouse Americans into a frenzy of violence. When Kennedy refused, we would later see the Republicans take this and run with it, execting 9/11 in the EXACT manner that is stated in the Operation Northwoods document.
10. The Planes Were Not Commercial Planes
The first thing that I, and anyone with a semblance of free will thought when they saw the footage of the planes was “that is CLEARLY not a commercial flight”, and it really wasn’t. Watch the footage a hundred times if you like, but there are NO markings from any commercial airline anywhere on those planes. It is said the flights were American Airlines, but we will offer a cash reward to anyone who can show us those markings on the plane. Also, what was with the giant container that was under the plane we saw hit the towers? Well, truth is not so cut and dry.
Some say they were drones, radio controlled to fly into the building. Some say they are clearly military issued planes, with purposes of carrying fuel (which is why they exploded like bombs upon impact, which is not how planes work) and some people even try to pull out the “hologram” card, which even we say is too much. We say military plane working more like a bomb.
9. The Lack of Footage of (and Damage To) The Pentagon, and Rumsfeld Confession
So we are told that a 757 hit the Pentagon, yet there is NO footage of this happening, outside of one second of grainy footage that looks like it shows the tail end of a missile right before impact. Where are the wings? Where is the massive hole that a plane that size would cause? That is a thirteen foot hole on the Pentagon. Can someone explain that to us?
Also, the one building in our country that acts as our hub for our defense, and there is no footage of it being hit by a “plane”? That building is LINED with cameras, for those who don’t know. There are, literally, hundreds, and there is no footage? That because it was not a plane that hit the Pentagon, but a radio controlled missile. Something Donald Rumsfeld would go on to validate by F*CKING SAYING IT in an interview. Honestly, dude just straight out said it. Look it up.
8. Flight 93
This one is really simple. Where the Hell is the wreckage? You are trying to tell me some brave Americans took over and crash landed the plane before any of the terrorists could make it reach its intended destination, yet, you show me a crater in a field, and NO plane wreckage? No wings, no body, no bodies, no luggage. No nothing. Just a smoking outline of a plane on the ground, in the perfect shape of an airplane? What the f*ck is that nonsense?
Also, this was 2001. How the Hell did the people on that plane have such good cell phone service from a PLANE in a time before WiFi (six of them made clear calls to family), when getting a cell signal on a plane was damn near impossible at the time?
7. The Warning Calls Important People Got
The rumor is the WTF leaseholder, Larry Silverstein (who we will see again later on the list) got a call for him and his daughter not to come in to work on 9/11, and when people checked into it, it seemed the call may have come from his own security team. There are also politicians who spoke of calls being made to select people, and they completely withdrew those statements, about various other “important” people who were warned not to come into work that day. So some people had enough foresight to warn “important” people, but allow all the others to suffer and die?
Gotta love that American dream.
6. The Fire and Resulting Damage
Did you know jet fuel burns at a thousand degrees colder a temperature than what it requires to melt steel, which is what we are told happened to the tower after the impact? Also, did you know 9/11 attacks are the only reported case of that EVER happening? There was a building of similar size and structure in Madrid, Spain, that caught fire and burned for TWO DAYS STRAIGHT. Did the building ever collapse, or even come CLOSE to collapsing from that heat? No.
Also, a B-25 hit the Empire State Building in 1945, and hit it dead center. Did the Empire State Building collapse or catch fire? No. Also, you need thermite to melt steel, and that is EXACTLY what is used in controlled demolitions. Also, that steel burnt red hot in the wreckage for DAYS after the impact. A collapse would catch such intense pockets of heat and liquid steel. Just. Not. Possible.
5. The Explosions Before Collapse
Another reality that hit most rational people when the towers fell was that they were OBVIOUSLY brought down with demolitions, and did NOT collapse.
A collapsing tower that is broken at its center would fall OUT, and not IN on itself. The top of the buildings would have toppled out and down, with debris following. Those buildings fell, perfectly and neatly, floor by floor in on themselves. And the most astute of us saw the news, where fireman were reporting “popping and explosions” on the floors before the collapse. That footage was snuffed quickly, though.
And there is even footage of windows on the lower floors BELOW the impact, blowing outward before the collapse. You know, from the controlled demolitions?
4. WTC 7
All you have to do is follow this part of the story, and all the holes becomes evident. Again, Larry Silverstein is on TV talking about WTC 7. You know, the tower ACROSS the street from the two towers that were hit by planes? Yeah, well, there is footage of Silverstein saying ” we decided to pull it” about WTC 7. What does “pull it” mean? In city zoning terms, it means to do a controlled demolition of the building. At first he said he “pulled it” to limit causalities but how could they “pull it” if there were not explosions already planted? And why across the street in a building completely unaffected by planes (because it was storing vital info).
Also, Silverstein denies ever saying this, but we are the Youtube generation, asshole. We have you on video.
3. Where Are The Bodies
This one seems a bit arcane, but present to me ONE family of any 9/11 victims who actually saw a body of their loved ones to identify them. Death certificates are often only filed AFTER a family member has identified the body of their loved one. We understand that you cannot identify bodies that blow up or are crushed to death, and we respect that, but you are telling me NO SINGLE BODY WAS RECOVERED? How does that make any sense?
Like the rest of the 9/11 lies we are fed, it doesn’t.
3. Bush’s Strange Family Connections
The Bush legacy is tied to the Kennedy assassination, the British Royal bloodline, The Bin Ladens, and on through history. But sometimes the details are even more obvious than that. Like, for example, George Bush’s younger brother, Marvin, who just happened to be in charge of security for the World Trade Centers on those fateful days. Also factor in the footage of Bush’s reaction in the school that day when he got the news (he made a somber nod, like he got news he was expecting) and his subsequent comment about how he felt when he saw the footage of the first plane hitting.
Thing is, there was no footage of the first plane hitting. That is the thing with an idiot, you make him lie long enough , and even HE gets confused.
1. It Worked
That is the most glaring thing that most articles leave out when they talk about 9/11. We can all talk about the buildings and the inaccuracies and inconsistencies to the story. We can point out the obvious points about planes debris missing, and controlled demolitions, but at the end of the day, what was the desired result? To take control of the oil in the Middle East, which they did. To lull us into a state of constant fear, which would further their agenda of pushing us into complacency, which also worked. That was the death blow against freedom by the elite, and a blow we still have not recovered from.
The reality is George Bush Jr executed a plan they tried decades ago to no avail. He furthered an agenda his Dad helped to also push, and in one felt swoop, showed us that we will eat anything they feed us, because we don’t know any better. But maybe we do. Maybe, just maybe, we see them for what they are now, and as much as it was a tragedy we will never fully get over or comprehend, it also pulled the rose-colored glasses off most of us and showed us that the real enemy is tucking us in at night, pretending to be our friends and protectors.
If there is anything scarier than that, I don’t know what it is.
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