martes, 14 de abril de 2015

China's Naval Strategy Oil & Shipping Routes


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Publicado el 10 de mar. de 2013
British control of the seas, and, with it control of world shipping trade, was thus to emerge after Waterloo as one of the three pillars of a new British Empire. The manufactures of Continental Europe, as well as much of the rest of the world, were forced to respond to terms of trade set in London, by the Lloyds shipping insurance and banking syndicates. While Her Royal Britannic Majesty's Navy, the world's largest in that day, policed the world's major sea-lanes and provided cost-free "insurance" for British merchant shipping vessels, competitor fleets were forced to insure their ships against piracy, catastrophe, and acts of war through London's large Lloyd's insurance syndicate.

Foundation of American dominance

Control of the sea could be largely determined not by fleets of surface combatants and aircraft carriers, but from land and space based systems, forcing navies to maneuver and fight underwater. Space itself will become a theater of war, as nations gain access to space capabilities and come to rely on them; further, the distinction between military and commercial space systems -- combatants and noncombatants -- will become blurred. p.60

There is widespread international debate on the extent to which China's naval expansions pose a threat to U.S. dominance of the world's oceans. George Friedman and author and foreign affairs expert Robert Kaplan agree on China's ambition, but have very different views on its geopolitical impact.
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