sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

Jupiter - The White Goddess





The Planets: Jupiter.
Jupiter is fifth from the Sun and the largest. This planet is more massive than all of the others combined, plus their satellites, the asteroids and all the comets. The planet's magnetic field is so powerful that it creates a sphere of influence around Jupiter that is larger than the Sun.
Jupiter (Greek: Zeus) was the supreme god of the Roman pantheon; a god of light and sky, and protector of the state and its laws. Jupiter was called the "Greater Benefic" by the Ancients, an extremely positive influence.
It has 16 known satellites: Adrastea, Amalthea, Ananke, Callisto, Carme, Elara, Europa, Ganymede, Himalia, Io, Leda, Lysithea, Metis, Pasiphae, Sinope, and Thebe.
The Planets: Jupiter
Sign, Symbols and Seals of JupiterJupiter is the largest planet of the solar system, the largeness of the planet gives us some clues as to the ruling aspects of Jupiter in Magickal and ritual workings associated with abundance, prosperity, growth and success. We also realize that we can have too much of a good thing, so it has come to represent "excesses", as well as good fortune. Jupiter is the planet of healing, regeneration and rejuvenation. Jupiter in its negative aspect is the cause of greed and wastefulness.
Jupiter's ruling astrological house, is Sagittarius, the philosophers of the zodiac, always concerned with the Big Picture, the Philosophical Idea. In daily correspondences, Sagittarius rules Thursday. Jupiter is associated with the element of Fire. the colours Blue, Purple, the gemstones Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite and the herbs Agrimony, Anise, Cedar, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Dandelion, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, Linden, Mint, Nutmeg, Sage.
The table of Jupiter is a Four square, containing 16 numbers each adding in any direction, to 34 with its sum being 136.

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