domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

Population Control - The Revelations of Dr Richard Day



Population Control

As mentioned earlier, Dr Day was involved with ‘Planned Parenthood’, and was a supporter of the population control movement of the time – which was the next subject Dr Day talked to the group about.
He said that the population was growing too fast, and that the population would outgrow the food supply, space to live, and would produce too much waste for the planet to cope with.
In the period 1950 to 1969 the population grew from 2.6 billion to 3.6 billion, with the largest annual growth rate per year being between 1962 and 1969. From 1970 to 2012, the world population increased from 3.7 billion to 7 billion – almost doubling in a 32 year period, although the annual growth rate reduced. Projections estimate that the population in 2020 could be in the region of 7.6 billion, and could be as much as 9.4 billion by 2050, although the growth rates are expected to reduce significantly. (Figures from the United States Census Bureau, and a billion being 1000 million).
Looking at these statistics, we can see that the population has increased by a massive amount – from 2.6 billion in 1969 to 7 billion in 2012 – almost 270%. Part of the reason for this is that the population is living longer, and healthcare has improved and resulted in less deaths through disease, accidents etc. The growth rate has seen something of a decline from 1970 to 2012, with the growth rate being in the region of 1.5%, whereas the growth rate for the period to 1969 was in the region of 2%.
As the population grows, so more resources will be needed to support them. With uncontrolled births and an aging population, the strain on existing resources will become a major issue.
Dr Day said that part of the plan of the globalists is to limit the number of children a family can have to two, with some families being limited to one, and other ‘exceptional’ people being allowed to have three. Birth rates in the western world have declined significantly over the past fifty years or so, with large families being a thing of the past. Part of this is the way society has developed, where people are following careers and have aspirations other than producing offspring, and another part is education about and the availability of birth control. It has also become very expensive to provide for a large family. In 2012, the UK government proposed that restrictions on state benefits be imposed, and that certain payments will only be made for the first two children
Population control has been publically advocated by some influential people, including John D. Rockefeller (also a member of the globalist elite and a major funder of ‘Planned Parenthood’), former US President George HW Bush, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, and naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
In 1969, Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich wrote a book entitled ‘The Population Bomb’ in which he advocates action to limit a ‘population explosion’ which will lead to social upheaval and widespread starvation in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1968, an essay entitled ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ by Garret Hardin, Hardin attributes the growth of the population to the welfare state. However, his essay has been widely criticised, and des not address the fact that the majority of families with a large number of children do not exist in a welfare state system. Publications such as these were criticised at the time as fuelling the fears of people throughout the 1950s and 1960s when the world’s population hit 3 billion and there was some panic about how the world would cope with such a large number of people.
There are many countries in the world who have taken positive action to limit the number of children in a family. Perhaps the most well know is China, where a limit of one child per family has been law since 1978. There are harsh punishments for ‘unauthorised’ births. Although as of 2012 there has been a movement in China to increase the number of ‘authorised’ children to two.
In India, the government has had a pro-active family planning initiative in place since 1965 where awareness of contraception methods is nationwide. The most prevalent form of birth control in India is female sterilisation. In the 1970s Indira Gandhi implemented a mandatory programme of sterilisation for men who had already had two children. The programme failed and is blamed for resistance to subsequent family planning initiatives for decades after. India has introduced incentives for families to have a maximum of two children, including only those with two children or less are eligible for election local government office, and the government only offers certain facilities and benefits to those employees with two children or less.

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