sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012







The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

A week later, on the day of Wembley, an excuse for a ‘journalist’ on the Daily Express called David Robinson published a calculated attack headlined ‘Utterly Bonkers’. Robinson never spoke to me – not that this would have made any difference – and didn’t turn up at Wembley to see my information put together in context.
Instead he wrote the story from his office using newspaper cuttings and his own innate bile and bias while no doubt following the orders of his superiors to write a ‘knocking piece’. Clearly, from the censorship the week before on the Sunday Express, Robinson would not have been allowed to write anything about me that was in any way fair and balanced.
So, to ensure the pay cheque at the end of the month, he did what daddy told him, as his like do every day all over the world. Even if he had wanted to be fair and balanced (not a state of mind with which he is too familiar I would wager) then it would not have been allowed to happen.
This was Robinson’s opening line:
Today a sell-out Wembley crowd, and thousands globally, will spend a fortune to hear ‘messiah’ David Icke’s day-long rant about ‘lizards’ who run the world. And you thought HE was barking mad.
The arrogance of these monumental idiots is breathtaking. Only he is the decider of truth and reality – yes, a man working on the Daily Express for goodness sake is so self-deluded, so off-with-the-fairies, that he actually believes this to be so.
Therefore, not only must I be mad because his pea-sized perception cannot comprehend any possibility beyond the software program that he calls his ‘mind’, but anyone else who is open-minded and conscious enough to come and listen must also, by definition, be ‘barking mad’. What an insult he and his like are to the oh-so-rare real journalists who seek to tell the truth fairly and accurately within a profession that such mentalities pollute to the core.
Then there was 'Susie Mesure' on the ludicrously-entitled 'Independent' on Sunday who turned up at Wembley after the first section of two and half hours which put everything else that followed into context and then left well before the end to meet her 'deadline' for the next day. She wrote that she 'didn't get it'.What? She didn't 'get it' in those circumstances? I am shocked. My flabber has never been so ghasted. How could that be? Wow.
But then would any mainstream media 'mind' have got it under any circumstances given the scale of perception programming necessary to hold down a job in a profession in which a system mind is compulsory and non-negotiable?
Ms Mesure says: 'To make matters worse I, as a newspaper reporter, am a member of exactly the sort of crazed humanoid reptilian elite that David Icke is convinced is running the world to the detriment of the human race, along with, and in no particular order, Barack Obama, the Queen, Alan Greenspan, Mick Jagger and Tony Blair.'
No, Ms Mesure. You are not 'a member of exactly the sort of crazed humanoid reptilian elite that David Icke is convinced is running the world'. You are a software program that thinks it's conscious. That's all.
No wonder people are deserting the mainstream media in droves for alternative sources of information. As more people awaken from mind into consciousness, the disgusting, intelligence-insulting truth about the system-controlled, system-serving media becomes ever more blatant and is rejected in ever-greater numbers all over the world.
Last one out turn off the light, chaps.
Utterly Bonkers (Daily Express)

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