martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Los Amos del Dinero - The Money Masters (subs español) - Rothschild to Rockefeller


Este vídeo ya se ha publicado en otra entrada, pero vuelve a publicarse en beneficio de la redundancia: Por si alguno desaparece.


Texto adjunto:

Publicado el 19 ene. 2013
Uno de los primeros Documentales en cuanto a la calidad de realización e investigación, a nivel mundial.

The Money Masters is a 1996 American documentary film, directed and narrated by William T. "Bill" Still and produced by attorney Patrick S. J. Carmack,[1] which discusses the concepts of money, debt and taxes, and describes their development from biblical times onward. It covers the history of fractional-reserve banking, central banking, monetary policy, the bond market, and the Federal Reserve System in the United States. The film, which is widely available online, was followed by The Secret of Oz (2009).[2][3][4]

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