miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018

Meet Goldman Sachs, the Vampire Squid

Más temas para las Etiquetas: RT, Grecia, Bolsa, Deuda, Obama, Recesión, Justicia, Burbuja Inmobiliaria, Seguro, Banco de Inversión, Banco Comercial, EEUU Bailout, Ley, Economy as Political Weapon, Political Control, Paul Walker, Occupy Wall Street, Especulación, 2GM, Gobierno Federal americano, OSS, URSS, Hedgefund, Lobby, Infiltración, Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Bush, Fundaciones, Jeb Bush, George Bush, Unión Europea, Burocracia, Durao Barroso, Colapso, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Credit Default Swap, Nacionalización, Hank Paulson, Government Sachs, Donald Trump, Citybank, Nomi Prins, Reserva Federal, Banksters, Impuestos, Wall Street Software Backdoors,



Texto adjunto:

Publicado el 17 mar. 2017
SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=21730

We all know Goldman Sachs is the very embodiment of evil...or do we? What is Goldman Sachs? What does it do? Where did it come from and where is it going, and is there anything that can be done to stop it? Buckle in for this edition of The Corbett Report where James dares to take on the vampire squid itself.

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